Свежая клубника в бельгийском шоколаде. Изысканный десерт, который уже давно полюбился нашим клиентам. Можно попробовать с чашечкой ароматного кофе у нас в гостях. Так же доступны на заказ наборы и букеты из клубничек в бельгийском шоколаде.
great cafe. I liked the fact that they make coffee very quickly. And the range of drinks is very large.
Beautiful interior, all in the same style - pink
It's a very colorful place, the photos are just super! Desserts are fresh, very tasty! The signature cocktail with coconut is just super! I recommend it!
Berry shop in Belgian chocolate, there is a choice even to taste, for example, I liked pomegranate in chocolate, i.e. sour and chocolate, it's nice, the child has more grapes on skewers, come and you can choose for yourself what you want. Thanks