Very incompetent people.
The cash register is not working, they asked the reasons, nodded their heads, silently turned around and counted the money.
Employees are sitting laughing, chatting on the phone about their personal affairs, and people are waiting in a crowd. Closer to 17:00 - 16;40 no longer accept people brazenly, I ask you to take action.
The bank's employees are very rude, they do not answer questions and ignore them. If they even respond, then somehow with a favor, as if they owe them something or should. I issued the card more than two weeks ago and I'm still not ready.
I wanted to become a customer of Halyk Bank, but failed.
It is impossible to order a card online, so I came to the bank branch. I would like to issue a HUMO card, but the application for the card was not accepted for unknown reasons, either the database is not working or some other failures. For this reason, I was unable to become a client of the bank.
But the call center works as it should, the employees of the call center are professionals, unlike the employees who work in this particular department. I do not know what level of service is available in other branches of Halyk Bank, but I DO NOT RECOMMEND this particular branch.