They were purchased in the summer of 2023. The consultant (unfortunately I didn't remember his name) hit the mark on all the drinks. 9\10. All the wine went with a bang, that Spain, that the USA, that Italy. The only thing I didn't like was rum, but it's quite rare and for an amateur, it seemed sooo sweet. Otherwise, I will come again, I will buy in full, for a year :)
Mixed feelings after the visit. The third wn where I was and the worst in terms of service. No one offered to help - everyone found us. I had to come up myself. The girl replied coldly pointing at the counter, quickly running away after that. Thanks, I didn't feel like consulting after that. Apparently, I was not a welcome customer.
Небольшой магазин, но это один из его плюсов - чувствуется камерность и внимание к подбору ассортимента. Несмотря на то, что нужного напитка я не нашел, зато получил исчерпывающую консультацию, что не могло не порадовать - магазин нацелен не только на продажу, но и на формирование культуры пития. Мой реверанс.