Personally, I have not used it yet, but only when my friend received something, she liked everything, so everything is fine, I think that such online stores will replace regular stores in the near future, civilization does not stand still.
I want to leave a negative review. There are different shifts of sellers (both boys and girls) working at the Kazinets 120 pick-up point.But one shift of two girls, both brunettes (one of them pregnant) allow themselves a lot.Namely, they impermissibly respond and grin at customers. This is unacceptable.They behave impudently and arrogantly. Please take into account employers,
there are a lot of good young people looking for work. I ask you to replace the sellers at the Kazinets 120 pick-up point with decent ones. I would like to come for the goods and leave in a good mood. A regular customer.