The service of this point was normal until recently, especially a polite and punctual young guy named Boris.But the girl Sona is extremely incompetent in sales, on her part, it was debited from the card for 3 goods, of which 2 were received and the 3rd one will be solved after a while, She did not warn the client in advance that if there are funds on the card, then she will write off immediately for all goods During the proceedings of this issue , she confirmed that she notified about it Later ,there was a request to show the recordings from the camera , to which the answer was that she did not have access to the recordings .Sergey, the owner of this item, was also present in the discussion of this issue and he did not provide the opportunity to view the next day to receive other goods, I went again in the hope of talking to someone who can provide me with records, including the same girl who served the damaged goods saw only at home and said about the video recordings that Sergei on the computer (and what if there is no access in the phone ?)
Я и ещё трое людей пришли к закрытым дверям пункта выдачи. Закрыто было раньше времени. На часах было 20:42, пункт работает до 21:00. На двери никакого объявления нет, просто закрыто. Я позвонила по указанному телефону и девушка сказала «компьютер сломался». Я спросила можно ли завтра прийти, починят ли, она сказала «не знаю». Я не могу ездить на такси с другого конца города каждый день. Повесьте хотя бы объявление на дверь с объяснением. Фото сделано в 20:42.