The pick-up point has been working relatively recently, our family has already taken 10 orders, everything is fine. Of the disadvantages, the Internet inside the building does not catch well, you need to log into your personal account in advance or take a screenshot of the payment. But this is not a problem at the pick-up point, but at home)
There was also an interesting case, a man worked there and a client approached him, tried to pick up the goods, but for some reason, he could not find the order by her number, ran to the warehouse several times, he could not find it and offered to bring the order home after work, asking in advance how long she works))) she said she was going to work now and couldn't in the evening, smiled and said she would come by tomorrow)
The pick-up point was distinguished by very polite and cultured staff -it caught the eye in a good sense of the word. In general, a normal pick-up point is in a convenient place for me personally.