Couldn't get the money back for the pots. I was busy with something else, ask me to come in and pick up two pots at the wildberris branch in Chechersk. Yes, it may be my fault that I did not think about the fact that I would deal with the deliberate sale of broken goods (there is a high probability that they (at least one) were dropped from a high shelf) that did not correspond to consumer properties. Yes. I did not look thoroughly (the handle was beaten off in the pots, the enamel of the bottom with dents was broken, the edge of the throat was broken), it was not visually striking, and it was not very visible under the polyethylene from above. They took it out to me, put it on the table smoothly, and I put it in a bag and left. When I came as a lady, taking off the package, I saw a terrible picture. It feels like nails were hammered into these pots or football was played. It is outraged that, taking them out of the warehouse, the girl could not help but see these fatal damages, especially having experience of visual defects of the goods being sold, and even more so of these damages, which, it is possible that they themselves allowed. Wildberris did not accept the application for defects.
Well, what about wildberries? I lost in this “lottery”, in your ability to provide people with garbage and marriage. It is clear that these 40 rubles and my lost day will enrich you. Time will show. Although people who have been in a relationship with you for a long time do not trust your organization and carefully check the goods. Alas, I have gained experience in practice. There is no desire to buy, there is a desire that is mutual.
The ordered goods have been lying at the pick-up point since July 8, and no one even thinks to carry them. It's almost been a week. It's just disgusting. Unfortunately, it is not possible to get in touch in any way.