Во время осмотра Вы проверите зрение на авторефрактокератометре (компьютерная проверка зрения), щелевой лампе, проекторе знаков. Будет выписан актуальный рецепт в случае обнаружения нарушений зрения.
20 Br
Подбор контактных линз без обучения детский (от 7 до 18 лет)
25 Br
Прием врача-офтальмолога взрослый (18+)
Оптика WDL – это оптика с врачом офтальмологом
Во время первичного осмотра Вы проверите зрение на
авторефрактокератометре (компьютерная проверка зрения),
щелевой лампе,
проекторе знаков.
После проверки зрения, будет выписан актуальный рецепт ...
Excellent optics, affordable prices and a really good doctor. The administrators told us everything in detail and answered all the questions. The glasses were made very quickly and given a six-month warranty.
Thank you so much for your responsibility and kindness ❣️
Optics at 15 Mezhdunarodnaya Street left a pleasant impression and excellent service.
Excellent selection of frames and various glasses from simple to branded.
I recommend.
The irresponsible attitude of the employees!!!!
They set a time for us, and upon arrival (even earlier than necessary)- they reported that this time will not be enough for the check, because the doctor's working day is ending!
What kind of records are these?? We were driving on Fri, during rush hour and with an infant!!!
As a result: no examination results, no ordered glasses…