A wide range of tools and auxiliary materials, high quality, the ability to work in installments,there are gifts and an individual approach, good gifts for men working with their hands and not only.
There are no questions about the assortment, but an absolutely uninterested and inattentive seller did not answer the questions, although the goods displayed in the hall without a price are not for sale since they are no longer "listed", it felt like we were forcing him to sell and taking him away from important things. Send him to the Vitebsk branch for an internship - we will return to the guys there with pleasure for shopping, but we don't want to go to this store anymore.
Despite the fact that I am an employee of this company, I will be objective.
In the current conditions of pricing policy in the Republic of Belarus, everyone now has the opportunity to purchase PROFESSIONAL tools and other consumables for construction, repair and car care and (or) a craftsman's zobby at absolutely adequate prices.
Come in — you won 't regret it