And so, we were in Pakhomovo from 26.07. to 28.07. friends booked a little late, but we found a place. I really liked that no one bothered anyone, despite the large number of people. The place is not even bad, the views are beautiful, the territory is gentrified. The administration is trying to solve all the issues that arise: you want kayaks, here you are, kayaks, you need wires to light the car: we will find it now, etc. in small things, like you need a rake to prepare a place for a tent: OK, no problem. From the general: we recommend taking your personal rest room and toilet with you, because public toilets are under an incredibly heavy load and despite the fact that they are regularly cleaned, it helps for a maximum of a day.
It does not apply to the place, but people who took small children were cursed by the whole coast, it is not necessary to do this, and it is hard for children and those who cannot sleep from their endless night crying. In general, I rate my vacation in this place at 9 out of 10, adjusted for the company and neighbors.
Cool beach. For vacationers with children, going into the water is the best you can think of.
There are a lot of people on weekends, but it's understandable. It was here that we were covered by a hurricane on July 13, 2 meters from our tent, a shelf was covered with a tree - it was cool and interesting at the same time.
In general, I recommend it.
Плюсы: красивая природа, отличный песочный пляж, чистая территория леса. Четкое соблюдение правил в 00.00 всё выключают генераторы и музыку.
Минусы: беседки стоят одна на одной. Места для палаток мало, на кемпинг 5 биотуалетов, в которые по вечерам огромная очередь. Можно было бы организовать хотя бы уборку туалета один раз в сутки.
Дорога, которая ведёт к кемпингу оставляет желать лучшего. Можно было организовать грейдер, который хоть немного разровнял дорогу.
Отсутствие чистой питьевой воды на территории кемпинга, про это написано на сайте, но это однозначный минус.
Но при хорошей компании и желании отдохнуть на всё это можно не обращать внимание.
Место классное, но вот сервис не очень.