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Он-лайн психотерапия - сеансы длительностью 50 мин. через мессенджер Telegram или Signal, или чат ("конференцию") в социальных сетях:
March 3, 11:59
Психотерапевтическое, музыкально-образовательное интернет-радио #P_S_Y (Просветляющие Сигналы невидимого имама Юдика)
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March 3, 06:10
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Updated: February 26
Онлайн-консультации и сеансы психотерапии (предоплата с банковской карточки и ч\з ЕРИП - с сайта YDIK.COM)
Консультативный приём психолога для диагностики, тестирования, определения вида и плана терапии. Рекомендации и обучение приёмам и методам саморегуляции
Coming out after our session yesterday, I can't say that I was satisfied.
I was even a little disappointed for the first couple of hours.
There was even a slight irritation and inner anger from some of the statements and manipulations)
But, as it turned out, the realization comes later.
By evening, something seemed to be clearing up in my subconscious.
And this morning, I was completely blown away. I realized that every word you said was not easy, every manipulation was accurate.
I remembered that at the first session you said that you had harsh methods, that in subsequent sessions I might hate you somewhere)
But only now did I realize that yesterday it was exactly "it", and that it worked 100%.
I'm not afraid to say that you are a genius and a true master of your craft)
I recommend it to everyone!
If you want to get out of difficult, seemingly hopeless conditions in which other doctors throw up their hands, then Igor Vladimirovich is your salvation.
Powerful, fast, tough in places, without too much water, and most importantly - effective!
They turn to a psychotherapist when they cannot cope with some difficult/difficult life situations on their own.
In order for the therapy to bear fruit, you need to trust the doctor and his recommendations. If the specialist is not satisfied for some reason, then you can look for another one.
As for the possibility of self–healing, and even more so with the help of various "gurus", who are now numerous on the Internet, this is a very controversial idea.
It was on my own that I reached the point a few years ago when I needed help. I cannot say that at that time I fully shared Igor Vladimirovich's opinion on all issues. But nevertheless, I determined for myself that he knows some moments better as a professional.
He helped me a lot during a difficult period. And when the circumstances of my life turned out to be such that I needed the help of a specialist in this field again, I turned to him. This time, it took just a couple of sessions to figure out what was bothering me and causing me mental pain.
What do I want to say? In 2017-2018, it was possible not to listen to a specialist who did not pat on the head and did not wipe the snot. You could find someone who would be happy to support your illusions for your money. Then the request must be formulated adequately. Admit that you don't want to change your behavior or beliefs and hate a therapist who is trying to really help you.
If I had done that, I might still be in the worldview that led to depression. And I would even try to prove something, relying on teachers from YouTube. And I would even convince myself that I was happy.
Fortunately, I was spared this fate. Therefore, many years after the successful therapy, I considered it necessary to supplement my review.
Thank you, Igor Vladimirovich!
I came with a request in July, and resolved the issue in September. If this is not the result, then what is it. The doctor is specific - it's true. Without farms.therapy was not enough. Perhaps, if it were not for the condition, then changes in life would have occurred earlier. The most important thing is to do, through "I can't", forcing myself, getting out of bed, with tears, through difficulties, but to do. Yudik, we did it!
P.S. VP promised - VP did it.
PP.S. But the stench (read, incense) and the video sequence... you know my opinion)))