I have repeatedly applied for repair of the VOLVO S 80 . Everything is great. The guys are adequate and friendly. All questions will be answered without extra water. Quickly, efficiently, professionally! The car service is on the level. Always only to them. Good luck to the guys in their work!
Where to start... After reading and listening to reviews, I came to this service to replace the oil in the box, at the same time I asked to change the candles and the fuel filter, because there was no time to change myself then. After completing the work, extraneous noise began to come from the engine. To the question, what kind of sound is coming from the engine, I was answered, I quote: "You have a 1.6 engine, but it crumbles by 150k mileage (I have 148), and the sound is because the cylinder is wearing out." And they gave 2 options: either replacing the engine or replacing the block shorts. Both are about $1.5. I think OK, these are Volvo SPECIALISTS, they have met a lot of these engines in their lifetime, so they know what they are talking about. They won't lie, I thought then. And as a result, after traveling a little, I decided to check the sound myself, because in my opinion and the opinion of my friends who understand cars, it was about the ignition. Well, unscrewing all the candles, what do I see?.. The first photo is the state of the 3 candles that I unscrewed (I remind you that all 4 changed), but the second photo is the state of the candle on the 2nd cylinder... NATURALLY, this service will deny everything and claim that I brought them some kind of pal to replace them and that they have nothing to do with it)) Candles, if anything, are original, 270 rubles per set. And of course, in order to bring these people at least to some responsibility, it was necessary to make them unscrew all the candles in front of me and check for themselves, not to leave after the service. But my trustfulness to reliable (seemingly) people worked. Therefore, you will have to do only with a review. My advice to you is that if you have a Volvo with a 1.6 and 2.0 gasoline engine, never service these comrades, you will lose time, nerves and possibly money, because with any noise from the engine you will be persuaded to repair it for a considerable amount. I can only add that after I fixed the candle, there were no more extraneous sounds. And thanks to this "service" for the life lesson.
A good service station, and the guys know their stuff. In fact, it is the only specialized service station in the city that is sensible in terms of currencies. But sometimes they sin by offering to repair those parts, assemblies and assemblies that may still look like