I bought a confection called "Verona". After mom ate a piece of the "treat", she felt sick. I checked the deadline, but it turns out that it expired on December 26th, today is December 30th!!!!!
A very decent selection of various meat products! And sausages, and sandwiches, and meat, and saltisons, and shish kebab. By the way, the pickled shish kebab is very good - it can be seen that it is not cooked from a sawn-off. And a big plus, in my opinion, is that the assortment is so rich that it is impossible to leave without shopping. Prosperity to the plant and its employees!
A large number of pensioners, which indicates low prices. The quality is good, the assortment is large, there is even a turkey. There is a department with cakes and pastries.
I really like the assortment in this store, discounts like the "red price".I would like to see sellers more kind and friendly, polite, and let them eradicate their evil notes or hide them at home.