Stars in advance. To visit this waterfall, you need to go out in the morning. If it was raining, the road is impassable. The clothes are tight and completely closed. There are many plants with needles and thorns on the route. They also got a slight burn, like from nettles (it comes off quickly)
Updated. The second time we walked, the duration of the route was ~ 45 minutes. Along the way there are picturesque places and many descents and ascents. There are jeep tours to the waterfall, but they were not seen on the road. You need to walk very carefully.
Водопад оч.красивый, но вот пеший маршрут до него это ого-го)). У водопада есть подвесной мост, есть место попить воды(питьевой) не большой галечный пляжик с качелями на берегу