Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
6 Br100 g
Сырные палочки
Хрустящие палочки из сыра, обжаренные до золотистого цвета. Полны вкуса и кажутся невероятно привлекательными для любителей сыра (7 шт.)
The shawarma when I was given it was very soft, there is a lot of ketchup that interrupts the taste of other products, everything is cut into very large pieces, so it is simply not possible to eat unless you have a huge mouth. After the shawarma had lain down for 5 minutes, it just fell apart on the floors. Plus, there's only one thing that was cooked very quickly , it would have been better to cook longer so that it would taste better , otherwise a blunder and you're done
Delicious shawarma. The royal one is generally a top. The meal was done quickly, the staff was polite and helpful. Everything is great.
Lit is only too expensive.
I really liked the Italian shawarma, thanks to the shawarmist Vadim for the quality service. Shawarma, delicious, well-rolled, one of the best I've ever eaten!