On Saturday, the queue is just frenzied, one specialist sees one person for 30-40 minutes. Three people have passed in two hours. And there are more than 10 people in the queue. If there is such a flow of people, consider the question that two specialists would work. Everyone is angry because it's just not realistic to sit out this queue.
And I'm not talking about the phone at all, no one picked up the phone for an hour.
They wrote .for three years, complaints were called to all authorities related to housing and communal services.The last straw was a complaint to the city executive committee.A month later, they gave an answer.where they reported.that something has been done.and something will be done.but for the past month, we have been preparing an answer.no one has even lifted a finger from the housing and communal services. they simply cannot even remove the courtyard and house territory.So far, no one has done or is doing anything. If the city executive committee cannot influence the heads of housing and communal services. where else to contact? Once again, we draw conclusions about how the service of the city executive committee works on the appeals of individuals.
We looked in on Thu , about 16 o'clock . The queue was small, we waited in it for about 10 minutes. There were two "single windows". They don't do what we needed here, but they sent us in the right direction. There are benches in the lobby for waiting.
"One window" is hell. I walked for 4 days in a row and it was impossible to sit out the whole queue. 2 specialists work, insanely slowly, it is written on the door that there is no lunch, but they take a break from 13 to 14. Take an example from Minsk, where everything is clear, fast, more than 7 specialists work and an electronic queue! A horror, not a place.
This "window" is not for people. Phones do not answer even those that are given by the specialists themselves. It is not possible to make an appointment for a specific time. Reception on the main days during working hours, when the majority of people work the same, mostly queues are not for 1 hour. On Wednesday they work until 20.00, but there are A LOT of people!!! Accepts 1 specialist!!! For each certificate, go yourself and repeat the circle!! I was forced to go for a marriage certificate, although everything is marked in the passport and we live in the age of informatization, where everything should be in the database. I understand the protection of information, and the organization of the City Executive Committee. And it would be necessary to have access to the database. THIS ORGANIZATION DOES NOT MAKE LIFE EASIER FOR ORDINARY CITIZENS!!!
Very bad reviews from people, really don't pick up the phone. It seems that all officials of the executive branch IGNORE the requests and decisions of the president of the country himself. How can this be???
It is impossible to get through to the specified phone number, and on most official pages the phone numbers are generally indicated as "Left". Even in the reception room of the "Executive Committee of the Vitebsk region" they gave a phone number by which you can get through to the apartment (I checked with them 2 times, after which they said that you need to search the Internet). I wanted to make an appeal on the price tags in Euroopt on Moskovsky 21A (The price tags in the receipt are higher than the price tags indicated on the shelves with the goods). SPECIFY THE CURRENT PHONE NUMBER OF THE RECEPTION.
It seems that there is no order in the institution. The phone number 336230 is listed on the website, which does not work. The number must have been entered incorrectly. The number 436845 is also indicated, no matter how many calls were made, no one ever picked up the phone. Snow cleaning is very bad in the city, pedestrian paths are not visible at all to be cleaned, and janitors with shovels are not visible at all and you can go on a lot....
What's happening? Can't get through to the number? No one responds to complaints, it's impossible to complain about the mess, because the numbers don't even connect?Since December 8, we have been calling 115 to remove the icicles. Herzen 16. Housing department does not react. This guillotine will collapse on someone, is that what you want?
Not competent employees , not interested in solving citizens ' issues , state employees sit on the ass of people who do not care about people 's problems , they do not answer the phones , but they do not solve them , you need to dismiss pension incompetents and recruit young experts to dismiss all specialists By 109 !!!
I understand that no one will answer me, but is it legal to clean the garbage chute without the consent of the residents ..... I live in a former small-family apartment on BUILDERS 24, Room 5, I understand that the workload is high and there is a lot of garbage, but also pays one entrance for garbage collection more than an apartment building, the nearest containers are 100 meters away The neighboring houses are not touched.... Is this the solution to the problem? Everything for people?
A useless service, he will get through to someone from the category of the impossible, in two weeks he got through to one window, in which he did not receive any information.. Useless!!!
I was only in the "one window" service. All employees are qualified, the queue moves quickly. You need a passport to enter. There are benches and tables. The nearest parking lot is 100-150 meters away.