The reviews are screwed up
They promise mountains of gold for the purchase of their filter" costs about 3000 rubles.p) and pull people for loans
And in fact the double
Живу на Малиновке)здесь вода ужасная. Необходимо было решить проблему с вод ой)пересмотрел много различных систем очистки и выбор пал на систему Вивасол. Установил себе и своим родным систему очистки. Навсегда избавился от накипи в чайнике)вода стала приятнее и мягче)сама система компактная)помимо системы ещё есть бак на 8-10 литров )когда воду отключают, то очень удобно)всегда есть 8-10 литров хорошей воды)лично я минусов не обнаружил)
5/5) всем рекомендую)
I installed the system in August, I was very attracted by the presence of insurance from Belgosstrakh and the guarantee, but initially I felt bitterness in the taste and panicked, but the specialist explained that some people's brains switch to new sensations this way, I decided to be patient, and indeed after a couple of days the water began to feel sweet and very soft. Everything has changed, and for the better: starting from the taste of food and tea, ending with the condition of the skin of the face - all rashes have gone. Many thanks for such a rescue and for such accessibility in terms of price