Wonderful sellers work in this store. Polite, smiling, funny, well, just smart guys. The food is always fresh. The prices are not too high. There are also children's toys, a soap washer and much more on sale.
The store simply fascinates with its reader energy. Every time you come in and I steal a new book for myself (I pay for everything, of course). But if suddenly your relationship with books does not work out, try to walk around Vita. And if you don't know what to read, then reread Harry Potter, the boy who survived!
I adore, I love 😍 beautiful are the most vivid memories and products for me and my sister rated at 10000000 stars from 10😍🥰😘💒🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟I love looking at these products 🥰😍