Лучшая мойка в Талдыкоргане. Работают круглосуточно, быстро работают и качественно.
Соотношение цена/качество - отлично.
Сделал химчисту пикапа + мойка подкапотного пространства.
Все очень хорошо. Качество - отличное, ребята молодцы.
Все вещи из машины габаритные попросили забрать, а мелочовку всю вернули после мойки, бережно собрав в пакет.
It used to seem to me the best sink, they haven't had it for a long time, maybe this time it was so easy, but they washed it for 3 minutes. I went to the cashier, the cashier silently looked at me with her eyes wide open, it turned out I had to bring her a piece of paper first, I could have explained. The guy who washed the car is friendly and pleasant, but it did not affect the quality of work. She said that the salon was dusty, they told me that velour was hard to clean, they didn't wash the outside either. I won't go to them anymore. After I wiped the dust off the velour with a damp cloth and it got better, the stain that they did not wash, wiped off with a damp cloth.
We washed for 3/10 the prices are not cheap, we took 4000, the wheels are dirty, the bumper is all stained, I do not advise you to wash it better on a self-wash, really🥲