It's terrible!! Thieves all employees while there stole two children's scooters from the territory and not only. Bulgarians don't like Russians. It's full of Ukrainian teenagers, screaming at night)). Mostly Sami Bulgarians relax there, they smoke right standing in the pool where children swim too. In two weeks, the vomit has not been wiped off at the cafe near the pool, you stand behind ice cream and suffocate from the stench of this vomit. There are also discos in the evenings. I'll say the same about the toilet at the same cafe, they don't clean it, or they shit there more often than they clean it: there's an eternal puddle on the floor around the toilet, the paper is either unwound into this puddle, or it's not there, everything is pissed around. I won't go for anything. The escalator is often turned off and if you go down with a stroller, then you have to carry it back up the mountain. In general, it's just a horror and an inconvenience.