I wish the person in this organization, who came up with the idea that in Laceti you can put 3 people in the back seat and send them off-road for 3 hours in one direction, to overcome such a path every day. I drove for 3 hours trapped in the middle between two men. Laceti is not suitable for off-road driving. Do you want to get some mountain air? Breathe in mountain dust for an hour and a half of driving, because air conditioning has not yet been invented in this car, and the driver drives with the windows open all the way (and there is no road there, there is dust). Jade Lakes is a very beautiful place, but the service is just disgusting. The hard way. Guides cannot organize people properly, because there are too many people objectively. All the time, someone was lost, someone was waiting. And all the positive impressions from the trip came to naught, because of the return trip, which went the same way: 3 hours in the middle in the back seat, sandwiched between two men, and exactly half the way you breathe dust
The company organizes trips around Uzbekistan. It successfully works in the domestic tourism market. Various trips to the cities of Uzbekistan, hiking along various mountain routes.
I contacted the telegram about the tour with the user Vezdekhodi D
I regretted writing it. They communicate so unpleasantly, with such reluctance. I applied to another travel company.
Ездил в однодневную поездку в каньон Таваксай от этой турфирмы. Все прошло здорово. Ехали на туристическом аавтобусе Цены более чем приемлемы. Была группа около 30 человек. Так прекрасен Узбекистан. Еще столько неизведанных мест у нас.