1 pcs.Стоимость: 20 BYN, дополнительно взимается стоимость вакцины, инъекции, шприцов. Информацию о вакцинах в наличии (Nobivac Rabias, Nobivac Tricat, Nobivac DHPPi + LEPTO) и их стоимости можно узнать по телефону.
20 Br
1 pcs.Стоимость:27 BYN. Более подробная информация и запись на УЗИ по телефону.
27 Br
Первичный амбулаторный прием животного
1 pcs.Собака, кошка, хорёк, кролик и др. с/х жив - стоимость: 20 BYN . Хомяк, крыса, морская свинка, мышь, декоративная птица - стоимость: 15 BYN.
Hello unsanitary conditions, this is what will greet you at the entrance... There is no administrator /registry as such ... After a sick sabaka , the table will not be wiped for inspection (although , as it turned out , they will not look at the dog ) ... and you just came for a long - distance passport ( I hope your dog will not be looked at either ... And then you can pick up a lot of things)... And you will fill it YOURSELF on your HAUNCHES ( not sitting at the table ... )... No one will even check the animal's chip , which is probably a plus... The disadvantage is that you bring your baby to this unsanitary environment ... IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED ... Visit this place ... But still , if you need an international passport ... Remember: there are two languages in one field (Russian and English)... I'll tell you about it at the end of the filling, good luck to everyone :)... I've never seen a worse place for animals
I've been coming here with a bunch of animals for years. There are excellent doctors, there are worse ones.. For me, these are Natalia Petrovna, Olga Nikolaevna (already gone) - people and doctors of the highest class. Anyway, I'll consult there later.
I am very grateful to Dr. Natalia Petrovna. We were at her reception with the dog 2 times. It was the third time she had two surgeries. Despite the fact that there was a confusion with the dates, Natalia Petrovna did not send us on our way, but simply asked us to wait... The topic is doing well now. Thank you so much for having such wonderful, helpful doctors in VA