Specialists:gynecologist, on birds, dermatologist, therapist, anesthesiologist, nutritionist, surgeon, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, resuscitator, oncologist, stomatologist, on behavioral correction, on rare species, on rodents, on reptiles
The prices are very expensive!!IV drip (calcium intravenously)eclampsia in a dog after childbirth cost 800 UAH 2 years ago and I also had to wait in line with the dog York, who was twitching all over in convulsions ..I was scared and hurt...A year ago, we needed surgery to remove York's umbilical cord..I called here and was told 3000 UAH.I'm fucked up!!!This is a very simple operation.As a result, on the advice of friends, they made a BioWet for 600 UAH .And I was very pleased. Now I know where to turn if anything..You still need to look for your vet ..So that the price is adequate and the attitude towards animals is good ..Veterinary medicine is a business.No one needs our animals. ..
Prices are off the scale, and doctors are weak, they did not see toilet filler in the intestine on X-ray, although I am not a doctor, but I showed in the picture that it is there, and they took a lot of money, without treatment, just a snapshot