An ordinary grocery store, clean. The sellers are friendly. There is, however, 1 ticket office open during rush hour. Because of this, the queue is very slow. That's pretty good.
If you don't be too pretentious, it's a great store. It was built simultaneously with the construction of the district. In the 90s, architecture seemed cosmic. Large, on the ground floor there are products, on the second floor there are prom goods. Cooking is delicious, if you are in a normal relationship with the saleswomen, they will tell you what is fresh and what is better not to take.
Do not expect a special assortment, but it is normal to buy products for every day.
If you need lower prices, it's better to go for a penny nearby or to the "best choice" across the street.
Once the store was open until 24.00 and this was its huge advantage.