Always fresh products from sausages to confectionery, it would only be possible to choose from vegetables such as potatoes and carrots by yourself, and not what was packed in bags.. But you can come for a herring.. The sellers are as friendly as possible and the manager knows a lot about applications and products that are in demand.
A good store, there are dairy, meat products (sausages, sausages of various kinds) sweets, alcohol and much more, including vegetables, frozen foods. You can definitely buy a basic set of home products. The service is good, everything is fine.
A good store within walking distance. A good selection of products. The only thing that overshadows is that in the evenings a lot of alcoholics and bruises gather around and in it.
An ordinary, not very large, grocery store...In the evening, crowds of local "athletes" take alcohol there.There is not much choice of products, but you will not stay hungry either.