3D развал-схождение - современная компьютерная диагностика и регулировка углов установки колёс автомобиля с помощью высокоточных 3D-камер и специального программного обеспечения. Процедура обеспечивает правильное положение колёс, что улучшает упра...
40 Br1 pcs.
Автоэлектрик с опытом более 10 лет. Ремонт автоэлектрики любой сложности.
12 Br1 pcs.
Диагностика подвески
Тщательная проверка всех элементов подвески: амортизаторы, пружины, рычаги и другие детали. Находим причины стуков, вибраций и шумов при езде. Помогаем сэкономить на ремонте, предупреждая серьёзные поломки.
20 Br1 pcs.
Замена масла в двигателе
Экспресс-замена масла в двигателе. Моторные масла и фильтра в наличии на СТО.
Great car service! Everything is clear and to the point. The knocking in the car was eliminated immediately and without additional waste. The repair of the window lifter was solved by repairing the electrical wiring. Special thanks to electrician Sergey.
I've been dealing with the problem
A knock in the suspension on my BMW.
We found the reason. Fixed it.
I'm happy driving. Thank you to the acceptance master Evgeny for the quality of service.
After maintenance at this service station, the engine protection mounting screws were missing in the amount of 4 out of 6. Because of this, the rigidity of the entire structure was violated. Which caused, after driving through deep snow, a radiator failure. The snow pressed down on the engine protection, which was not fixed to all factory mounting points, and the protection, in turn, jumped out of the places where it should have been fixed, pressed down on the plastic structure above it. The plastic structure pressed on the "TV", which in turn, unable to withstand the load, cracked, hit the radiator and the side plastic part of the radiator, in the area of its attachment, burst and all the antifreeze at the moment was on the ground.
Because of the 4 screws that I was too lazy to tighten, or I decided that they were not needed here, or I lost the "specialist," as a result, I got to repair more than 500 rubles. not counting tow truck services.
And the "specialist" twisted the wheels with such force that when trying to unscrew the wheel, 2 cylinder keys were broken, but the wheel was never unscrewed. Now you have to go to a place where there is a pneumatic special tool. And hope that they can unscrew the wheel mounting screws without damaging them.