In general: the worst bike shop in the city.
The seller knows a lot about bicycles, but he's no consultant. He answered questions reluctantly and in monosyllables, he could not help determine the choice of a bike, only sent it to their website or to their warehouse. There is no impression of a professional.
All bicycles that are sold cost up to 20 thousand and are suitable ONLY for walking in the park or to get on the road from point A to point B. No sports, no curbs!
Perhaps nicer people work in the warehouse, but I definitely do not recommend going here, you will not find anything sensible there.
Ценник устраивает, ассортимент тоже. С ребятами, которые там всем этим занимаются, всегда можно проконсультироваться и посоветоваться. Информацию предоставляют адекватную и без обмана