Everyone praises this store. But I really don't like it. As they say, the assortment is a confiscated product, so the prices are lower than in other stores. But looking at some positions, it seems that this is second-hand in Belarusian. I've been in many times and never made a purchase. The reason is simple-there is simply nothing to buy. Maybe I'm going in at the wrong time, that I don't find or see anything sensible there. Yes, sometimes something is more or less hanging, but the price is like in a regular store. Therefore, I do not even consider it. And what is cheaper is nothing to look at. I repeat, it may be necessary to know the days of delivery. Therefore, not 3, but 4 stars.
The store is not big, there are enough goods.
For as long as I can remember and know, it was a confiscation store. And as a rule, confiscated goods are sold at a low price (purchase price). If anything has changed in the store, it's not for the better in my opinion. The prices are certainly high here. There are a lot of Goods that you can't take for nothing, but the price is as if I bought a bar of gold....
Choice... It's a pity that this is the only choice. It's all shiroy and squalid. There is a lot of everything and at the same time there is nothing to choose