You have to be very careful when signing documents. Especially if you do not take the whole amount, but only a part. It may turn out that the full price is indicated in the document. Also, you should control how much interest is calculated from you. In personal communication, they reported one amount, with a control call on the same day, the amount became significantly less. Be vigilant
I came for the first time. The impression is terrible. I wanted to give away a graphic monitor that cost 1300 rubles, they said 15% of the cost, that is, they wanted to take it for only 195 rubles. This is ridiculous. At least what is written on the site, for the first time without interest, I counted on at least 800 rubles, since it is ideally a professional thing.The girl who served asked 100 questions:what is it, how it works, etc. I answered, she didn't understand anything anyway and talked as if I was nobody. 195 rubles for such a thing, it's just ridiculous. And they themselves would sell for 600 rubles for sure. I do not recommend this place to anyone. Terrible impressions.