Kassa ishlamaydi, ovoragarchilik.
To’lovni amalga oshirgandan keyin ham yangi modem o’rnatib berishmadi. Skladda operator aytgan modem b’olmasa mijozda ayib nima?
Iltimos kassalaringizni ishlatib qo’ying va skaldizda yo’q modemnni ustaga aytmang, bizlar qiynalmaylik!
Aytgancha 6 - Operator xizmatidan juda ham NOROZIMAN, unday mijozni muammosi bilan beparvo ishchilar ishlashi kerak emas yoki kerakli joyda malakasini oshirishi shart!
The office is in a sad state, the bank is not working, there are only 3 operators
A year ago, it was nice to go straight in, but now apparently no one needs it anymore.
Normal, polite, responsive staff, but not in a hurry (he's at work), but apparently we are in no hurry... Well, otherwise everything is fine, the interior, parking and masks.
The worst provider would close it down, everything works poorly for opening game projects for big bucks, they buy servers and cannot improve the Internet
Thank you more like a monopolist.....
See original
Level 5 Local Expert
June 10, 2019
Hello, I don't know if my complaint is at the address. I have unlimited Internet from uzonline. From the end of May to the present day, the connection speed is low. When repeatedly contacting the number 1084, there was confirmation of this. I was promised that my complaint would be examined. But I don't see the result to this day. Please consider my complaint and fix this problem. Sincerely, Yugai M. K.