Су борек, или водяной пирог, является одним из самых популярных несладких десертов турецкой кухни
2090 ₸0 g
Мелкорубленное мясо из говядины с овощами и специями на тонком тесте, подается с лимоном, маринованным луком и зеленью
2890 ₸0 g
Жаренные креветки с шампиньонами в горшочке
Представляем вам изысканное сочетание морских глубин и ароматных лесов – жаренные креветки с шампиньонами в горшочке. Это блюдо откроет перед вами новые гастрономические горизонты, погрузив в мир богатых вкусов и текстур
4890 ₸0 g
Салат кашик
Салат кашик — это традиционный турецкий овощной салат, который отличается особой нарезкой и соотношением продуктов
2890 ₸0 g
Чечевичный суп
Классический турецкий суп, подается с чесночными сухарями, долькой лимона
1590 ₸0 g
Эзогелин суп
Классический турецкий завтрак с острыми специями, подается с чесночным сухарями, долькой лимона
1790 ₸0 g
Инегель кофте с картофелем фри
Погрузитесь в мир восточных вкусов с нашим инегель кофте! Эти мясные фрикадельки с пряными нотками в сочетании с хрустящим картофе лем фри создают неповторимую гармонию
3930 ₸0 g
Манты по-турецки
Загадочный Восток и его кухня всегда притягивали своим разнообразием вкусов. Манты по-турецки — это настоящее произведение кулинарного искусства. Нежное мясо, завёрнутое в тесто и приготовленное на пару, получается невероятно сочным и ароматным
Overall, it's not bad.
The staff is nice, good guys. Everything is nice and cozy inside.
The dessert was delicious, the eggplant salad was good. They gave a compliment in the form of Turkish tea and bread and butter. The bread was very tasty. But I didn't like Iskander Doner. The "tomato paste" was sour and too salty, to be honest, as if it came from a jar.
Masala tea is normal, but without milk. The waiter immediately warned about this. But for some reason he apologized)) If the restaurant has a position to make Masala without milk, then the guys should confidently talk about it) otherwise it sounds surreal: they say, I'm sorry that our tea is not so good)
In general, it's not bad, but Doner was a little upset.
Overall, delicious food for those who love Turkish cuisine and clueless service.
There is a banana smoothie and two non-banana smoothies on the menu. And then there is Masala. I was lucky enough to order both.
It turned out that the second smoothie is also banana, just the fruits stated in the name are added to it, but since the base is a banana, it feels stronger.
Masala is a tea with spices. But if you are used to Indian masala, then this is completely different, and milk is not provided in it.
Finally, they didn't have a wallet.
The smoothie was eventually taken away from me. After that, the manager came up to us and asked what she could do and was very apologetic. Then the waiter came up to us and also apologized and offered to bring any dish at his expense.
As a result, the undrunk smoothie remained on the bill. For some reason, it did not occur to them not to count him. And an institution that forces an employee to pay for guests' meals is also nonsense. It's not like the evening was ruined, but it's always better to ask the waiters in great detail about everything, otherwise surprises may await you.