A terrible university, zero education, good teachers can be counted on one hand, and the most miserable thing is that they began to try in every possible way to force the vaccine, they say directly, if you do not put the vaccine, you will not go to university, although there was no such order from the Ministry of Education and Vaccination in our country is purely voluntary
A very cool and excellent university for aspiring entrepreneurs and humanitarian law, there is also an Academy of Cinema and Television, and for those who are interested in economics, I advise for everyone!🧡
Turan is a strong average among universities, not "top", but strives for the best. There are many good, first-class teachers, both practitioners and theorists. One of the main advantages of the university is that the management always keeps a pulse on the mood of the students and listens to ideas and suggestions.
And of course the food! You will definitely not starve to death in Turan - it is delicious and very cheap!