Everything is fine, there are three ATMs where you can almost always withdraw money without problems, there is a small shop that has everything you need practically to have a snack, for example, or for tea, drinks, cigarettes, etc
The factory entrance, part of which is open to unauthorized visitors. You can go in and hide from the rain or frost when you're waiting for someone. Inside there are several shops, a buffet with a strange work schedule, several ATMs, a small luggage room.
It's a normal place, in the morning the happy faces of the workers going to their jobs. And there is also a buffet where you can buy pastries tea juice or whatever you like for tea in the morning
If you live on an Ablaketka, beyond the stop "Prombaza", then you can not get to the northern checkpoint. If there is a bus on duty, then only to the Industrial base, you have to get to work by 21:30, but there is nothing left., they bring you from work to the Industrial base at 01:30, then you yourself, you want to walk, you want to run, because there is also nothing to get to. Public transport is route 27, one schedule, sometimes 2, but 2 schedules are rare and only in the morning for one lap, then again 1, and it's not a fact that you get on it, on weekends there is not one at all. Route 26 - 3-4 schedules, slightly better on the 27th, 2-3 on weekends, it already turns out from the Ablaketka with a transfer, respectively, with an overpayment for travel. Tram 4-there are two in the morning and after lunch, but only one is displayed in the application and it is not clear until 1 city 3 this is the route or 4, if only by chance it comes across, especially when you need to get to the north passage. In general, there are problems with transport, but everything is fine, always clean, beautiful at the northern checkpoint