My favorite store. The optimal choice of products for convenient purchase near the house, pleasant prices, a bonus system with a Kupilka card and, last but not least, an excellent team of sellers and their well-coordinated work.
Great store!
,The store 's opening hours are 🔥🔥🔥7-23
➕️A wide range of goods, both household and food
,Fresh fruits/vegetables
➖️meat department: often the meat on the counter is weathered, does not inspire confidence
The choice of finished products is not bad, probably depends on the delivery (sometimes there is not enough on the counter)
Burgers and rolls are delicious.
I want to say there is one disadvantage. All the time that I go to the store, there is one employee Daniil Pashkevich, the head of the ort. He stinks a lot. He either does not wash or even worse, he has a skin disease and such people do not have the right to work with products. I ask you to check it completely at the medical level or it will reach the administration. Or to the director of "Smart choice".