Specialists:gynecologist, on birds, dermatologist, therapist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, oncologist, stomatologist, on rodents, on reptiles
I applied to this Veterinary Clinic : thank you to the Doctor for his attentiveness, professionalism, responsiveness and understanding!!
When your favorite animals are sick, their owner is rooting for them with his soul.
Smart Veterinary really helps, and does not impose unnecessary manipulations to siphon money.
I went to this clinic with a dog with suspected cystitis. They prescribed an antibiotic and put it in syringes. The dog started vomiting a day later. I came again, they gave me an antiemetic, took blood from the 5th time, although the dog was large, sat quietly. The vomiting continued, but there were questions about the level of doctors in this clinic and I turned to another one, where they counted the dose again and told me to check what dose they had taken in the Umvet. It turned out that the dose dialed into syringes exceeds the required dose by 2 times!!!
I really do not recommend this clinic if you want to cure your animal, and not make it worse.
Disgusting feeling after visiting. They accept several animals at the same time, it seems that everyone hates their job there (they came with a question about the puppy drinking a lot, they advised to clean up the water🫠 To be honest, I was shocked. When asked how much a puppy should drink, they answered 10-15 ml per kilogram. That is, in their opinion, a puppy at 3 months old should drink 70 ml of water per day. That's 1.5 glasses for a second. I'm shocked. Thank you for not insisting on the tests to get more money. If you care about your puppy, I do not recommend this clinic to anyone. I had to register so that people would know!