We have already bought our 5th bike here
It's great that there is a trade-in for bicycles, no need to puzzle over what to do with an old bike. They rated it quite well. It is clear that it would be possible to sell and more expensive, but the difference of 50-60 rubles is not so big to bother
Отличный ассортимент велосипедов и велоаксессуаров, единственный магазин, где помогли найти и привезти нужную модель, а также собрали без нареканий. Персонал вежливый и грамотный, мастеру отдельный респект. Рекомендую к посещению!
Show business's response
Level 11 Local Expert
March 9
An excellent store, a huge selection of bicycles, pleasant staff, you can get high-quality advice on choosing a bike and on further operation, promotions, gifts, convenient parking near the store.