A very interesting and beautiful museum. Various exhibits are presented, starting from the ancient world and ending with modern Kazakhstan. There are a lot of authentic antiques, there are even real human bones. Admission costs a penny 400 tenge per adult, for children it is even cheaper. The museum is located on 2 floors. The achievements and results of successful people of South Kazakhstan region are presented. It was interesting for children aged 9 and 11
Музейдын експазициясы друс емес.бырак жумусшылары жаксы екен бул музейдын керемет кылыб дамыту керек деб ойлаймын ышыне кырген адам бырденке тусырыб кететындей
The building is large, but apparently a significant part is occupied by administrative offices. There are two exhibition halls. Two very small ones.
Exhibits with finds from mounds are interesting. They are well decorated by the fact that the photo of the mound looks like it now, and below is what is found in it with a description of the era of creation of objects and their purpose.
The Soviet era and beyond is presented very boring. And maracons, cookies, fountain pens and other rubbish from the 90s- 2000s in the museum look comical and out of place.
The toilet was renovated about 20 years ago. There is no toilet paper, there is also no water to wash your hands. I am ashamed in front of foreign tourists.
The staff is nevertheless friendly.
And in general, the administration has a lot to work on.
I didn't learn anything new about the region clearly and beautifully. It is generally possible for children to discourage the craving for history and local lore with such museums. An extremely outdated approach to the organization of the museum's work. Those responsible for the museum are recommended to look at the museums of the world on the Internet and get ideas.