An excellent store with a very extensive range of tourist clothing and equipment, as well as a convenient location. I bought most of the hiking equipment in this store.
I liked the store. They most likely sell fakes for well-known brands, but of acceptable quality. Acceptable Chinese shoes are on sale. In any case, it is possible to buy boots, a jacket, trousers, gaiters, trekking poles, and all sorts of small things for decent money in a short time and go hiking. There are discounts, which pleases.
A large selection of goods for tourism, the only disadvantage is the opening hours from 15-00 to 20-00. And so to see trekking shoes, backpacks, sticks is quite excellent
A great place, with good staff, a wide range of equipment for active recreation and sports. There is a large parking lot nearby, you need to go around the building itself.
Everything is fine. This is a normal product for a not too high price. A great store with good lighting and an assortment that is updated frequently, there is even a TV channel that is updated frequently. That's just the saleswoman there is an absolute belch. You can ask some kind of cradle on the street and it will be much more useful to you, because unlike the saleswoman of a tourist, she will thank you and smile
A great store - a good choice, high-quality items and affordable prices. Sometimes there are promotions, then it's even more pleasant to buy equipment for a hike)
See original
Anonymous review
June 18, 2023
Terrible quality of service - angry, aggressive saleswomen who hate their customers. The store is a monopolist in terms of assortment, so it's not "the customer is always right", but "why are you here, you're preventing us from sitting quietly on the phone!".
The choice of tourist goods is small, mainly Korean and Chinese goods, the quality is good, the prices in soums but depend on the dollar exchange rate on the day of purchase.
Chinese goods. The assortment is not large. Apparently, there is a good demand.
There are few sizes available for shoes.
Down jackets have interesting options.
The working hours from 15:00 to 20 generally finished off.
A cool store , there are a lot of high-quality goods , convenient work schedule , reasonable prices , and most importantly, there is the possibility of returning or replacing the goods !!!
The service is just at the bottom. They can both shout and ignore for 30 minutes. The goods are Chinese copies at the price of the original. And the work schedule is not clear what. I do not recommend this store