We bought a bouquet of roses, and the roses "lived" for exactly one day. The overall impression is offensive and annoying.... I don't recommend this flower shop, it's just a waste of money.
We immediately liked the beautiful bouquets in this store. The staff is friendly and friendly. The staff here try to please the customer, and the atmosphere is always friendly. The florist's skill is felt.The flowers that we buy here last a long time and are very pleasing. We can recommend it to those who like unusual bouquets.
It's a good flower shop for our city. Bouquets, postcards, souvenirs. The sales girls will collect a bouquet and arrange it. They will tell you, they will pick you up. Indoor flowers, flowerpots, soil are on sale. What else is needed? There are optics and animal feed in the same building. Who needs what!
A good choice. Flowers for the price of heroin). But bouquets are made beautifully and with taste.
It's spacious, the service is not intrusive, but they don't try to help you either.
There are no complaints about the store, the flower shop is great, but... When we went to the flower shop, the seller was sitting on a chair, talking on the phone, and remained sitting as if no one had come in 😡
Personally, we were not satisfied. The flowers were not fresh from the very beginning and turned into dried flowers within a day🤦 It seemed that the florists took advantage of the inexperience of the buyer and sold a stale product. When you make a gift to a loved one, you want to rely on a professional, but alas, our expectations from a really high-quality store were not met