An old church with its own history in a beautiful place. When visiting Rossi, be sure to visit her. She is not five hundred years old, but she has seen a lot, at least two world wars. The power was changing like in that movie
The third church in the name of the Holy Trinity is in my reviews of the Grodno region, as the Lord loves. It stands on the site of a wooden temple founded in 1569. The Khodkevich family, known at that time in the USSR, in their estate, was moved to this place in 1611. In 1909, a stone church was built instead of a wooden one. The first written news about the settlement of Ross dates back to 1205. Currently, there are 4.7 thousand inhabitants. There is also a Catholic church and a synagogue. The Catholic church is functioning, but the synagogue is being destroyed, Jews were shot back in 1942.