GU "Institute of HYDROINGEO" temporarily moved here.
The list of services provided by the State Institution "Institute of HYDROINGEO"
In the field of hydrogeology:
- comprehensive hydrogeological surveys;
- determination of the degree of availability of fresh groundwater resources in the context of regions and districts of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- assessment of the current state of fresh groundwater deposits and a preliminary forecast of its changes
- calculation of hydrogeological parameters of aquifers (preliminary parameter estimation, parameter estimation, parameter estimation of a rational set of parameter estimation methods, numerical and analytical methods for calculating parameters using the HydroPar software product)
- assessment (reassessment) of operational groundwater reserves.
- scientific and methodological support for monitoring groundwater at all levels of organization (state, regional, local) monitoring of groundwater.
- development of optimal placement of observation points of the local (object) monitoring network.
- assessment of the hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemical state (indicators) of groundwater.
- forecast of changes in the hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemical state of groundwater under the influence of natural and man-made factors.
- assessment of the state of transboundary groundwater and development of recommendations on the optimal placement of monitoring observation posts.
- development of 3D geofiltration models of groundwater deposits.
- carrying out regional and local hydrogeological works for various purposes (studying changes in groundwater, flooding, salinization, pollution, etc.).
- substantiation of the technology of groundwater extraction by horizontal water intakes for domestic drinking water supply.
- assessment of the operational reserves of groundwater of borehole centralized water intakes for domestic drinking water supply.
In the field of engineering-geology:
- comprehensive engineering and geological surveys;
- development and improvement of methods for the study of hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions, mineral deposits.
- assessment and analysis of changes in hydrogeological, engineering and geological conditions of mineral deposits during their development.
- study of hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions of mineral deposits;
- assessment of the disturbance and fracturing of the mountain range and their role in the stability of underground mine workings."
- research to substantiate the mining conditions of exploitation of mineral deposits.
- study of the patterns of changes in the physical and mechanical properties of rocks depending on their fracturing and disturbance.
- study of changes in the physical and mechanical properties of rocks with long-term stability.
- establishment of patterns of changes in fracturing and physico-mechanical properties of rocks and their role in assessing the stability of rock massifs of solid mineral deposits during underground and open-pit mining.
- preparation of large-scale digital maps for the analysis and assessment of changes in hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions during the development of deposits by underground and open methods of deposits of solid minerals.
- determination of hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions of water flows into mine workings and engineering-geological processes of deposits of solid minerals.
- study of the engineering and geological conditions of mines, tunnel horizons, as well as zoning according to the degree of stability during underground mining.
- calculation of the stability of the sides of the quarry.
- determination of the depth and type of groundwater and its chemical composition.
In the field of geoecology:
- continuous environmental monitoring during geological exploration.
- development of a draft Environmental impact statement (EEA) and environmental protection measures for geological exploration.
- Development of a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EPA) during geological exploration.
- study and assessment of groundwater pollution and development of localization and liquidation systems for groundwater treatment with various polluting ingredients.
- geological study of the ecological state of groundwater and the development of environmental measures for their rehabilitation and remediation.
- development of information geoecological passports for environmentally significant enterprises.
- development of a database and 3D geomigration models for ecologically significant objects.
In the field of engineering geodynamics:
- solving scientific issues on the nature of the formation and development of landslide processes.
- assessment of the impact of landslide processes on territories (river basins, administrative districts, regions);
- construction of medium and large-scale maps of the landslide danger of the territory;
- identification of landslide-prone zones and landslide development sites;
- assessment of possible consequences of landslides for engineering structures, residential buildings and other objects;
- assessment of the vulnerability of objects in the development of landslides;
- assessment of the risks of possible consequences from the effects of landslides;
- construction of large-scale space diagrams of the landslide situation (district, river basin, administrative region) with parametric characteristics of landslide sites, allocation of zones of possible damage and danger to objects and structures, assessment of the dynamics of territorial development and development of landslide processes in time and area over the past 15-20 years.
In the field of hydrogeophysics:
- geophysical studies using vertical electric sensing (VEZ) to study the geological structure of lithological dissection, the state of rocks, and the identification of zones of tectonic disturbances;
- geophysical surveys by the method of seismic exploration by the method of fractured waves, CT, MASW, vertical seismic profiling for solving problems of engineering geology, hydrogeology, geoecology and engineering surveys. Separation of rocks by density, determination of the groundwater level, study of the structure of landslide bodies, study of the stability of quarry sides, surveys of tunnels and mine workings, assessment of the condition of hydraulic structures (dams, dams);
- geophysical studies using electrotomography to study karst-suffusion processes, identify zones of tectonic disturbances, determine the position of slip zones of landslides, identify zones of development of deep deformations and underground voids, study oil pollution of underground space;
- geophysical studies using static sensing to determine engineering and geological parameters and rocks in the field;
- carrying out geotechnical quality control of hydraulic structures and assessment of dams and dams.
Services provided by analytical laboratories
State Institution "Institute of HYDROINGEO"
On soil science:
- determination of the physico-mechanical properties of cohesive soils and rocks:
I. On cohesive soils:
- density;
- bulk weight;
- granulometric composition of gravel and pebble deposits;
- granulometric composition of dispersed soils;
- humidity;
- hygroscopic humidity;
- plasticity;
- maximum molecular humidity;
- swelling;
- soaking;
- compression tests;
- filtration coefficient;
- shear testing of soils in a natural state with pre-sealing;
- shear testing of soils in their natural state without prior compaction;
- shear testing of soils in a water-saturated state with pre-sealing;
- shear tests of soils in a water-saturated state without prior compaction;
II. On the rocks:
- density;
- bulk weight;
- water absorption;
- natural humidity;
- porosity;
- breaking strength;
- compressive strength - in its natural state;
- the angle of internal friction;
- clutch;
- compressive strength in a water-saturated state;
- softening coefficient;
- the strength coefficient according to Protodyakonov.
According to the chemical composition of soils and waters by an accredited laboratory:
- determination of the chemical composition of soils (abbreviated chemical analysis, complete chemical analysis);
- determination of the chemical composition of natural waters (abbreviated chemical analysis, complete chemical analysis);
- determination of heavy metals on ISP-MS in water and soil;
- determination of the chemical composition of salts and brine.