They ignored my application, yesterday 06/03/2023 they had to turn on the hot water, it is not clear for what reason the housing and communal services did not give water to our house, in neighboring houses someone has hot water since Friday evening, and who has it since Saturday morning. I called 115 and the application was sent to this institution, after a while I called the emergency dispatch service myself, to which they replied that there were no cars and there were a lot of applications, we will send the car to you. From 14:00 to 23:00, as I understand it, the cars have not been released yet. During the day, my mother also called, to which she was answered - turning on hot water is not part of their duties, they should have done it, let them turn it on.
I supplement the review on 06/05/2023 in the morning I called 115 and said the emergency came yesterday at 23:15, apparently after my review at 23:00, no one came lying.