I arrived at 18:29, the working day is until 19:00. The center is closed, the man who repairs shoes nearby offered to go up to the second floor to clarify. On the second floor, I get: "The cash register has already been calculated, the working day is over." At the request that it was urgent, the woman agreed to help, but said that she could not use a copier. A photocopy was made with grief in half, thanks for that, but in turn I received dissatisfied looks and tone. "Thank you, goodbye" - silence. And I have questions: did I detain this woman somehow? Did you make me work after work? If I'm not mistaken, then no) There is still half an hour until the end of the working day! I'm not in 10 minutes, not in 5, not in the habit of closing, in half an hour. I didn't detain anyone, but I came in full working hours.
And also, how could they close in half an hour, leave one person on two floors, so she also does not know how to use a copier.
In general, thank you for making a photocopy during your working hours))))