A place where you will be offered to read the greasy sheets yourself for your money. There is no lecture as such. But it is necessary to withstand people for an hour. The "Lecturer" was almost 15 minutes late. We filled out the paperwork until 9.30 am. Then they distributed three printouts to a large number of people, and the "lecturer" once again left. It appeared in order to collect payment receipts and put stamps in the medical certificate.
Is that where the administration is looking? Is this a lecture?
Of the pros, they helped pay for the erip, of the cons, the lecture was written at 9:00, they started reading it to us at 9:15
Disgusting attitude
There is no punctuality
Because of this, I was late for work!!!!
The first groove I see is this attitude
Everything is sent from office to office
Very kind and helpful staff.
They were not accepted according to schedule
They even helped to pay for it.
Special thanks for the kindness of Natalia Chernyavskaya, she conducted the lecture quickly, easily, without unnecessary words. Professionally
I am very pleased with the visit