The Internet can be called a separate organism, lives its own life. And if from the morning until the 17th day, the Internet can still give out good speed, then in the evening things are really bad. For example, at 8 o'clock in the evening, the Internet speed is so low that it can be even lower than 5 MB / sec, despite the fact that the payment is carried out for 100 MB / sec. The site says that they are not responsible for a specific speed, they just make a speed limit on the claimed payment, for example, you pay for 100mb, you will have any figure no more than 100. But guided by the reviews of many people using this Internet, I have not yet heard a positive review from anyone. Initially, I didn't want to leave a review, but to be honest, it boiled over. I work on the Internet and the stability of a good Internet is important to me. And not the stability that constantly prevents you from working in the evening and getting reprimands for it. If you need the Internet and it doesn't really matter to you whether it is stable, then you can choose Sirius, but if you work on Internet resources, then I sincerely do not recommend connecting this provider.
The connection is very terrible! I'm calling my parents in Shakhtersk from Russia via WhatsApp. The video is interrupted all the time and the sound is bad. As they said in the service, on Lenin Street 16, " Maybe your phone is bad?". Or maybe you don't provide a very good Internet connection???