Admission covered by compulsory medical insurance (OMS)
Doctor home visit
Wheelchair accessibility:unavailable
Clinic specialization:ear nose and throat, orthopedics, pediatrics, traumatology, physical therapy, cardiology, diagnostics, medical certificates, neurology, family medicine, reflexotherapy
Medical specialists:traumatologist, pediatrician, masseur, cardiologist, neurologist, podiatrist, otorhinolaryngologist, therapist, physiotherapist
Payment method:discounts on services preferential categories, cash, payment by card, bank transfer, cashless payment, QR code, payment by credit card
Type of ownership:private
Promotions:discounts, promotions, special offers, bonuses
Diagnostics:ECG, echocardiography, ultrasound
Hospital profile:multihospital
Pediatric doctors and specialists:pediatric neurologist
Certificates:sick-list, outpatient's card, certification for employment, study, help for race