If you have an idea to go to the gym in the Ice Yard, then before deciding on this rash step, first read this and weigh the pros and cons.
To begin with, when I came to this institution, I had to approach several people. And as it turned out, not everyone there was aware of where the gym was, how to get into it, and not everyone knew about its existence at all. As soon as it became clear that such a hall still exists, then in order to get to it, it was necessary to complete a whole quest.
So, actually, the quest. We go to the cashier, pay for the visit (I paid for a one-time visit to try and understand whether I will continue to visit it and did not lose), take the key to the gym on guard, go to the accounting department (!) and ask for the key to the locker room, change clothes, take the key to the locker, close the locker room and carry the key to the locker room back to the accounting department along with the payment receipt and only after that we go to the gym. My trip to the gym turned into a real Fort Boyard, but the most interesting thing was still ahead.
Having the key to the hall, we can open its gates. No, this is not a metaphor, the passage to the hall is really blocked by small, most likely independently welded, gates on the flight deck (!), bypassing these gates we get into the hall itself. Now about him.
To be honest, I can't quite bring myself to call this room a hall. From a distance, it seemed as if all the non-working simulators had just been taken out of the gym and put in an abacus to be taken out later. I went around and checked all the doors, but I still couldn't find a passage to the hall. My worst nightmare has come true: those scattered exercise machines are the gym. It is located on the passage to the upper part of the stands. The name "gym corner" is more suitable for this place, since its total area is no more than 50 squares, and it is not a square where you can walk freely, the width was no more than 2 meters. The number of people in order to comfortably engage in it and not interfere with anyone is 1 person, in fact it was. After the shock, I started training anyway.
Naturally, you have already realized that this institution is not famous for the abundance of simulators, I am silent about simulators for individual muscle groups, but, in general, there are enough of them for the main groups, but you will have to be smart. I decided not to even specify whether treadmills and exercise bikes work, I think not. From what I remember: dumbbells are not signed from the word at all, you intuitively pick up weight for yourself; almost all simulators are covered with rust and creak unassumingly (I think they are more years old than me), some of them simply were not created to be touched, or they were just broken. Okay, training is over, we can go change clothes.
Fortunately, there is a shower here, I thought, but I was glad early: when I entered it, it smelled either of the Soviet Union or death. Stepping over my principles, I went into the shower and turned on the water - cold water went... "Are you serious?", I thought. But after about half a minute, the hot water started running. I was so happy about this fact that I no longer even paid attention to the fact that the shower head sent jets of water anywhere but at me. After a successful shower, if you can call it that, I took the key and took it back to the accounting department. Handing over the keys, I said goodbye to the girl from the accounting department, she said goodbye in return and I noticed a small grin on her face, she already knew that she would never see me here again. That was the end of my trip to the gym.
Rereading all this, I'm only asking for mats, but if I put it without them, it was a COMPLETE MESS. I would never come back here again, even if I was paid.
P.S. I put 1 star only for the merits of the girl from buchglateria in front of the Ice Palace. It was obvious from her expression that this was not her job, but she had to do it and despite this she was still kind and even joked.