Нежное куриное филе, хрустящая мексиканская лепёшка и свежие томаты создают гармоничное сочетание. Микс-салаты добавляют сочности, а сыр пармезан и медово-горчичный соус придают блюду пикантный вкус. Идеальный выбор для перекуса или лёгкого ужина
A cozy place. Two halls, one with a children's play area. The menu is large, you can not only have breakfast, but also have a hearty dinner.
The service is good, the staff is polite.
There were some comments on the taste. For example, the chicken soup that was ordered for the child turned out to be too salty and greasy.
A favorite cafe with delicious coffee and amazing food. Raf salted caramel has won my heart🤎
The staff is always polite, the cafe is clean and has a pleasant atmosphere with good music. We like to come here to work, there are many convenient sockets for a laptop.