Творожные оладьи обжаривают на сковороде с двух сторон до золотистой корочки. Подаются сырники горячими со сметаной, вишневым соусом, посыпаются сахарной пудрой и сублимированной смородиной
2195 ₸210 g
Борщ с бородинским хлебом
Классический борщ на наваристом бульоне с кусочками говядины и сметаной. Подается с бородинским хлебом
1995 ₸450 g
Куриные котлетки с картофельным пюре
Куриные котлетки, пюре со сливочным грибным соусом, свежие огурчики и помидоры черри. Украшается микрозеленью
Very polite staff, I ordered one of the author's teas, ginger, very tasty, I recommend it. Clean, the service is super. I liked everything, it's clear that they come to have dinner with their families!
It's a top place, he often goes there with his wife, in general, I like everything about the kitchen and the coffee is wonderful. The only thing is that I wasn't impressed with the salad under the fur coat on the winter menu...
lungo coffee is my top)
In the photo - "nomad's breakfast", I recommend
I come here because there is not much choice of establishments in this area. I like the roof terrace. The food is not bad, but there are drawbacks. Service when and how. Sometimes it's just fine, and sometimes it's terribly slow. Somehow give the child practically cold nuggets. Cool desserts in jars have recently appeared, they are definitely worth a try 👌🏻