An extremely incompetent surgeon! Panaricius prescribed for the child to be treated with bandages with SYNERGI SEPTOCIDE , in which alcohol is 96% . It defies any understanding! For a day and a half, the medical staff, thoughtlessly performing appointments, burned the child's entire skin around the nail and only aggravated the inflammation😭 .After such doctors, the question involuntarily arises: why did you go to med if you were too lazy to study??? Or in a non-competitive direction! I wouldn't let such a doctor anywhere near the hospital! As Hippocrates says: "Do no harm!" So that's THE DAMAGE! How to fix it now...In the video, what happened and how it became after the barbaric treatment!
Why is it so difficult to hang signs on the door to whom it is possible out of turn (pregnant, WWII , etc. ) why should they stand to prove something to someone for half a year !
I was faced with the medical indifference of the head to the disabled of group 1.
Previously, doctors in the war carried out the wounded and there were no days off.Now the doctor has a day off and he should not be disturbed, this is his day off.
The year 2024 of quality is not about this hospital.
A disabled person of the 1st group and no sympathy.
There is a mental pain after the conversation.
But salaries should be high.